
IT DOESN'T snow and Hamilton County schools close. It snows and they don't! Instead they close schools at 11. Who's making these intelligent decisions?

REPUBLICAN OR Democrat, any place, any state, vote them all out.

IT'S TIME FOR "We the People" to clean those egg-sucking weasels out of the hen house!

WHICH LOCAL Party-of-No Republicans fear an upcoming electoral challenge? The ones who abstained from voting on the federal jobs bill.

EVER NOTICE how people who object to unemployment benefits and health-care reform have a job and health care?

I WONDER what lawyers would think of a bunch of doctors deciding how to overhaul the judicial system?

THE HEALTH-CARE debate is complicating what should be very simple. Do we extend Medicare to all age groups? Why not?

IN OTHER countries, doctors are public employees. Here they are often businessmen. Businessmen maximize profits. Understand this and everything else falls into place.

WARREN BUFFETT is right. Excessive health-care costs are a tapeworm that is destroying our international competitiveness, more so than environmental cost or wage differences.

WHY NOT A public option? Because the lying, pandering, hypocritical Republicans might miss a payday from big insurance? What a pity.

WITH THESE tough economic times and being tired of supporting county services for which no benefit is received, can I secede from the county?

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