Arizona -- and Communist China

Opinion surveys show most Americans support Arizona's recently enacted law to fight illegal immigration. But it is understandable that in a big, diverse nation such as ours, some will hold a different opinion, and they have a right to express their views.

In Illinois, however, one high school has forbidden its girls basketball team to travel to Arizona for a tournament because school officials dislike the Arizona law. They told The Chicago Tribune the law is not "aligned with our beliefs and values."

But ironically, the very same school -- Highland Park High School -- has sponsored an official student trip to Communist China!

While Americans may support or oppose Arizona's law, that state has never come close to the brutality that Communist China practices on a daily basis against ordinary Chinese citizens. Political and religious dissent are routinely and violently suppressed in Communist China.

Over the past few years alone, 18,000 Chinese have been forcibly evicted from their homes to make way for a major 2010 technology fair. Many homes have been demolished, with no compensation for the displaced victims, Amnesty International reported. Some protesters have been beaten and imprisoned, and at least one died from the severity of the beatings.

Is that behavior in line with the "beliefs and values" of the Illinois school that won't let its students play ball in Arizona but will send them to Communist China? We can only wonder.

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