DesJarlais called 'contender' by GOP 'Young Guns' program

NASHVILLE - The National Republican Congressional Committee has awarded Republican Scott DesJarlais, the 4th Congressional District candidate from Jasper, "contender" status under the committee's "Young Guns" program of promising GOP congressional candidates.

DesJarlais, a physician, is running against U.S. Rep. Lincoln Davis, D-Tenn.

"Scott DesJarlais has met a series of rigorous fundraising and campaign goals that will go a long way in helping to put this seat in the Republican column," said National Republican Congressional Committee Chairman Pete Sessions, R-Texas, in a news release.

DesJarlais said "Tennesseans are fed up with the way Democrats in Washington have forced their big-government agenda on us. We are tired of the spending, the taxes and the fact countless jobs have been shipped overseas due to their reckless leadership. It's time for a new direction and Tennessee voters will speak loud and clear this November."

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