Friday is Take Your Dog to Work Day

Monday, June 20, 2011

photo Only take a well-trained, housebroken dog to work with you.

Friday is Take Your Dog to Work Day. While many might think a dog in the office would be distracting, studies have proven that having pets in the workplace creates a more productive work environment, lowers stress and actually decreases employee absenteeism.

To help make your dog's office debut more productive, the American Kennel Club offers the following tips for those planning to take their dog to work.

• Survey the scene. Before bringing your dog to the office, take a look around and pet-proof your space. Secure all cabinets and trash cans that contain food. Remove anything smaller than a tennis ball or items within your pet's reach that have sharp edges or could be a choking hazard. Cover any exposed electrical cords or outlets to prevent burns and electrocution as the result of chewing.

• Behavior. You should take only well-trained and housebroken dogs to work with you. Make sure your dog is socialized and safe around strangers. If your dog is unnerved by changes in environment or social situations, the attention and strange noises associated with an office may cause your dog undue stress.

• Hygiene. Make sure your dog is clean and well-groomed before you take him to the office. A dirty dog might cause co-workers to complain.

• Bring the necessities. Make sure you bring the necessities your dog needs with you, such as bowls, food, quiet chew toys, treats, clean-up bags and a leash.

• Supervise. Keep an eye on your dog at all times. Be mindful of those who might be afraid of your dog and people who are allergic to him.