A startling apology

A state Supreme Court justice in Connecticut recently issued an amazing apology. At a public gathering, Justice Richard Palmer approached Susette Kelo, a woman whose home was seized by the city of New London, Conn., so it could wrongly be handed over to private interests that might generate more tax revenue.

Palmer had earlier joined the court majority in upholding the improper eminent domain action against Kelo and others. But after acknowledging that he would have ruled differently had he known the implications of the decision, he turned to Kelo and said he was sorry.

The Hartford Courant reported the scene: "Justice Palmer turned to Susette, took her hand and offered a heartfelt apology. Tears trickled down her red cheeks. It was the first time in the 12-year saga that anyone had uttered the words 'I'm sorry.' It was all she could do to whisper the words: 'Thank you.'"

There are proper uses of eminent domain, but seizing property from one private party to give it to another is not one of them.

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