Valuable Ronald McDonald House

One of many fine charities in Chattanooga -- and around the world -- is Ronald McDonald House. It provides rooms to families of children who are seriously ill, so they can be near their hospitalized youngsters. The families pay little or nothing.

But our local Ronald McDonald House recently discovered it has a mold problem -- and it will close for four months to fix the problem.

In the meantime, the facility is commendably expanding the services it provides at a room in Children's Hospital at Erlanger. Families of sick children may clean up, wash clothes, rest and so forth in that room. Ronald McDonald House is also trying to arrange discounted rooms at area hotels to help families who would otherwise have been able to stay at the charitable facility.

Jane Kaylor, executive director at the local Ronald McDonald House, said the public has been supportive while the facility tries to resolve the mold problem.

That support is well justified, considering the good work that Ronald McDonald House does for families in tough circumstances. We hope it can reopen soon.

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