
Don't be mousy, Drew. Just say what you think!

Monday's Planning Commission meeting was a study in "unclean" politics and a clear example of why Mayor Littlefield should have been recalled.

Maybe the developer in Hixson should sell his hilltop dirt to the developer in East Ridge to fill in the flood plain!

Environmentally friendly city?

Surprise, the new jobs numbers for September and October were overstated by 49,000!

Is there any way DesJarlais can be recalled? It would be a landslide.

Somebody remind Haslam that he's governor of all Tennesseans, and he has left more than half a million of us uninsured twisting in the wind.

Why were the Tivoli and Memorial Auditorium not subject to an annual audit just like other businesses?

Mr. Kruesi, glad you got around the sewer moratorium, but 199 new homes on Signal would put about 400 more cars on our mountain roads.

Dear charities, Don't call me, I'm tapped out. Ask Obama for help. Happy Holidays!

Life Care: New buildings with a five-star-hotel look and golf courses - for a nursing home. Your Medicare dollars at work. Really?

If Republicans are such fans of a free market why won't they allow Medicare to bargain over drug prices?

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