Rants for Feb. 12, 2012

Friday, January 1, 1904

THE CHRYSLER Super Bowl ad should have been named "Sucker Time in America," because of the $1.3 billion its bailout cost the taxpayers!

THERE'S DEFINITELY no room for Mr. Smith in Washington now.

WHY DO VOTERS always vote for the candidate with the most money, negative untrue ads and nasty campaign tactics?

TVA ANNOUNCES $173 million in quarterly losses! Surely more bonuses will be forthcoming!

GOV. HASLAM'S proposed budget: 40 third graders, one underpaid teacher, with no job protection if those children don't meet standards. Must hate teachers ... and kids.

OCCUPIERS, you've worn out your welcome! Pack up, clean up, reseed our courthouse lawn and go home already. Your protest has lost its impact!

MY HUSBAND and I are afraid to go downtown at night. We missed the Oaks and Vince Gill. Guess we'll miss Allison Krauss, too.

NEW YORK CITY combated crime and gangs with more police, decreasing both significantly. Why can't we?

MAYOR LITTLEFIELD appears to have solved the city's gang problem neatly: Close down the projects, scattering gang members throughout Hamilton County. Result: The cancer spreads.

FIFTY-THREE PERCENT graduation rate at Brainerd? Keep 'em in school until they're 18. Parents, no child under 25 should have access to a gun.

THE SPEED limit on Forest and Mississippi avenues is 25 mph. Please slow down when taking your children to school.