
SEVENTY-FIVE thousand dollars to find out where the Chattanooga gangs are. Just ask the police department!

OBAMA IS AN economic genius. I should take the risk of investing in the stock market to have dividends taxed at 40 percent? No way!

ONE SURE WAY to improve education is to let teachers teach instead of making them jump through silly hoops!

WITH GOVERNMENT'S role in our lives increasing daily, we are approaching the attitude of medieval Russian peasants -- make us your slaves, but feed us!

ONE AND A half million dollars for a roundabout at Jenkins and Shallowford Roads that will back up traffic four ways. The light worked.

WHAT BENEFITS package my employer offers me is none of the government's business. It's not about contraception.

HIGHER TAXES or less benefits, which is it? Because you're going to have to pick one.

SKILLERN'S VULGAR tirade is inexcusable. He acts like "Boss Hog" and wants to be a Chicago Richard Daly and control the entire county.

SOCIAL SECURITY is underfunded because of irresponsible mismanagement. The government solution is more mismanagement by lowering funding. Brilliant thinking!

IT IS REALLY not that hard. Kids go to school where they live, not across town. If parents don't like it, move.

HOW DO YOU like Reagan's middle class? Less government, fewer labor unions, and lower wages. Sucker!

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