'Progress' in Israeli-Palestinian peace talks

Friday, January 1, 1904

How absurd is the so-called Middle East "peace process"?

Decide for yourself: McClatchy Newspapers recently noted another fruitless meeting between Israelis and Palestinians.

The participants in the talks announced "modest progress: an agreement to resume talks about the negotiations," McClatchy reported.

So they could not agree to negotiate again at some point in the future. Rather, they agreed only to have further discussions about negotiations.

Is it any wonder so many people view the decades-old "peace process" with skepticism?

Here is a different suggestion: Let the Palestinian leaders commit unequivocally to stopping the ceaseless rocket attacks against Israeli civilians -- and to arresting the terrorists in their midst who commit such attacks. Let them follow through on that commitment with concrete actions, and let them acknowledge clearly Israel's right to exist.

Then sit back and watch as some real peace flowers in the region -- for everyone's benefit.