Medical care and the court

Friday, January 1, 1904

It is obvious that all of us need food to live.

But whose responsibility is it to provide it?

Of course, it's an individual responsibility. But government on some level may step in, as a humanitarian consideration, to be sure no one starves.

It also is obvious that all of us may need medical care at some time.

Again, whose responsibility is it to provide it?

Obviously, it is the individual's responsibility. Most of us meet our medical needs through personal insurance or personal means.

But over the years, many of us have become dependent upon government programs, locally or through the federal programs of Medicaid and Medicare.

In any case, it is not comfortable, or reasonable, to have such things decided by the nine members of the Supreme Court of the United States.

But now, it appears that the future of health care for most of our people in the United States hangs upon a decision, soon to be issued, by a majority of the members of the Supreme Court -- and/or a majority of the members of Congress.

The Supreme Court has been hearing arguments in recent days about the 2010 health care law and its controversial provision requiring individuals to purchase health insurance. A decision surely is coming soon. What will the Supreme Court justices say? Will the justices say we all must buy medical insurance, or have a government program at taxpayers' cost, or what?

Where in the Constitution of the United States does it say anyone must buy anything?

The justices may not agree. Members of Congress don't agree.

Surely, the American people do not agree.

As arguments about medical care law have been made before the Supreme Court, attorney Paul Clement, who represents states challenging the law, said, "If the individual mandate is unconstitutional, then the rest of the act cannot stand," The Associated Press reported.

Where in the Constitution is there a basis for government to require that our citizens must maintain some kind of health insurance, or pay an annual fee, or yield some percentage of personal income -- or what must the federal government do?

We all want all of us to have whatever medical care we may need. But imposing some socialized medical care system upon us certainly would be unconstitutional. But will it be done? What will the Supreme Court dictate?

We will learn very soon, but perhaps not agreeably, or comfortably, or economically -- or perhaps not constitutionally.

But "something" of great importance surely is about to be imposed upon all of us Americans by the Supreme Court.