My Style: Jamie Skinner

photo Jamie Skinner, 20, says she likes to create her own look and usually finds what she needs at stores in the Hamilton Place area. Staff photo by Karen Nazor Hill

Name: Jamie Skinner

Age: 20.

Profession: Stylist.

Hoop earrings: Gift

Sequined shirt: Gift

Belt: Wet Seal

Shorts: Forever 21 - $18.99

Boots: Wet Seal - $44

"I kind of follow trends, but mainly I choose my own style. I like whatever I think is cute on me, and it doesn't matter to me what anyone else thinks. I think Chattanooga has plenty of places to shop, especially at Hamilton Place. I have several favorite places like Forever 21, Wet Seal, and I go to T.J. Maxx a lot."

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