Demolition set for Ohio house in kidnapping case

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

The house where three women were held captive and raped over a decade faces demolition Wednesday morning in Cleveland.

The demolition will leave unanswered the question: How could the crimes go unnoticed so long in Ariel Castro's neighborhood?

The house will be torn down as part of a deal that spared Castro a possible death sentence. He was sentenced last week to life in prison plus 1,000 years.

Family members including son Anthony Castro went to the house Monday and picked up personal items.

Prosecutors say Ariel Castro cried when he signed over the house deed and mentioned his "many happy memories" there with the women. The women escaped May 6 when one of them broke part of a door and yelled for help.

Google Earth has already blurred out a satellite image of the house, before the demolition even occurred.