
Sunday, February 17, 2013

SO THE REPUBS need two senators to offer the rebuttal to President Obama's State of the Union speech. That shows how strong he is.

WE COULD BE so lucky to have Corker as president. He's smart, bold, bipartisan and will make tough, necessary decisions and lead. We need him.

I AM DISCRIMINATED against. I work, pay taxes and my health care. Obama does not include me in his giveaways: Yet, I will fund them all.

HOMOSEXUALITY IS found in over 1,500 species of animals. Homophobia is found in only one. Which one seems unnatural now?

WHO CARES IF the leader of the world's largest false church steps down. It's not newsworthy.

IF THE POST office needs more revenue, why not charge extra for Saturday mail delivery like every other carrier does? Duh?

ONLY A 2 PERCENT approval rating for Congress, but yet 90 percent of them were re-elected. I'm sensing a slight disconnect here.

OUR DRONE program is troubling. If you can't bomb or send troops, killing with drones should also be a violation of the rule of law.

TO THOSE AGAINST drones: Three buildings and 2,996 people not enough? How many planes-into-buildings before you would send in the drones?

I COULDN'T BELIEVE my ears when I heard the sheriff say it's his job to protect gun rights. Buddy, your job is to protect me.

EAST RIDGE City Manager Tim Gobble is gone, and three councilmen need to go also.