'Bob Corker should support treaty' and more Letters to the Editors

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Corker should support treaty

Some have questioned why the U.S. should ratify the Disability Treaty when we already have the Americans with Disabilities Act in place. It's true that this is the global "gold standard" for disability rights. But to complacently accept that we've done enough would not only ignore the struggle of disabled Americans who currently are unable to study or work abroad for fear of a lack of accessibility, it would be a betrayal of our values as Americans -- dignity, justice, and equality for all. Sen. Corker has admirably displayed openness and fairness toward the treaty. But I urge him not to be swayed by a small but vocal minority spreading fear and misinformation about the treaty. The treaty has support from the disability community, faith groups, veterans' service organizations, business leaders, and Democrats and Republicans alike. And for good reason. Though the issue may seem complicated, the choice is simple: Sen. Corker and his colleagues can choose justice or injustice, human rights or oppression. Tennesseans with and without disabilities are counting on Sen. Corker to do the right thing and support the Disability Treaty. I hope he doesn't let us down.


Corryton, Tenn.

Try separating boys and girls

I read with some amazement and amusement recently that our highly educated progressive school administration was experimenting with teaching boys and girls in segregated classes and has discovered that the students actually performed better. This is being done with the same teachers and students who have been in integrated classrooms. Apparently this simple change does not require large sums of money or extensive retraining of teachers to implement. Many years ago, the majority of Atlanta high schools were segregated. Students learned in the classrooms. They did not have police officers in schools. Evidently they were not socially maladjusted since they dated, got married, raised families and were successful citizens afterward. Unfortunately, the school system later decided to integrate the classes, relax discipline, and adopt other "progressive" means of education so it has evolved into the low achievement, lawless mess it is now. As a proud graduate of Boys High School, class of '47, Atlanta public schools, I am convinced that segregated classes, coupled with enforced discipline, would go a long way toward solving many problems in our schools.