UT needs volunteers to analyze howls

Friday, April 4, 2014

KNOXVILLE, Tenn. - The University of Tennessee needs volunteers to listen to howling dogs, wolves and coyotes.

Researcher Arik Kershenbaum told the Knoxville News Sentinel that canid species have different ways of communicating, despite being closely related. Volunteers are needed to help differentiate these howls, and it can all be done on a home computer.

Volunteers will log into howlcoder.appspot.com and follow the links. The website includes an in-depth tutorial.

Volunteers also are needed to submit recordings domestic dogs howling, which can be done on the same website.

Analyzing the thousands of howls is time-consuming. But the Canid Howl Project aims to get hundreds of volunteer scientists to help out. Kershenbaum says having many people involved not only saves time, but it should limit the impact of mistakes.