Haiti's orphans

By Jill M


Watching the incredible survival stories out of Haiti makes me realize how resilient children can be. The five year old who was pulled out of the rubble today, after being trapped for eight days, is a miracle.

But even as a few lucky children are saved, the survivors must facing such heartache. Thousands must be newly orphaned - in addition to the tens of thousands who were already orphaned before the catastrophe began.

I can't stop thinking about those kids, even as I'm looking after my own.

My husband and I took our two toddlers out to dinner on Monday night. The outing ended, as they often do, with spills, tears and a big tip which we hope makes up for the massive mess we leave.

My daughter didn't eat anything, because of an ongoing temper tantrum. A television set in the back of the pizza place showed a newscast with images of the suffering in Haiti. I'm glad she didn't notice them. And I'm also thankful that she doesn't know what suffering is (although she claimed to, as she desperately didn't want to stay seated).

I was happy to hear about the 53 orphans who were flown out of Haiti and brought to Pittsburgh, and their adoptive homes. But those adoptions were already in progress before the quake. Who will facilitate the adoptions of the newly orphaned?

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