TIME 2 SAVE: Internet coupons

Editor's note: See this space weekly for tips on coupon clipping from Time 2 Save Workshops experts Kelly Thompson and Kasey Trenum. Learn more at www.time2saveworkshops.com.

Q: How many times can I print an internet coupon?

A: Most manufacturers allow their coupons to be printed 2 times per computer. Also, most coupons are reset at the first of the month. Therefore it is always a good idea to check sites at the end of the month knowing that many will soon be reset and you will have another print available. Most internet coupons have a running count each time they are printed. There are a few that are issued under a pdf file that may let you print them more than 2 times. These are rare though. Occasionally you can find the same coupon on several different sites that might allow more prints of it.

-- Kelly Thompson and Kasey Trenum

Have a coupon question? Submit it to asktime2save @hotmail.com.

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