When your food feels uninspired

Sunny Montgomery
Sunny Montgomery

I go through cycles with the food I keep in my fridge, relying on the same dozen or so ingredients for months until I can't stand the sight of them - or until I discover a new recipe.

My current staples include bell peppers, kale, avocados, bananas, plain yogurt, corn tortillas and oatmeal. You'd be surprised by the number of different meals I can make from those foods. For breakfast, I can eat yogurt with bananas, oatmeal with bananas or even oatmeal tossed with sauteed kale - which is surprisingly yummy. For dinner, I do grilled pepper tacos or avocado tacos topped with kale chips; or I forgo the tortilla and bake a vegetable medley instead.

Yogurt becomes a substitute for sour cream. Frozen bananas taste remarkably like Popsicles. But despite all those options, I have become bored with my go-to grub and am ready for some new recipes.

Perhaps I should try beets ? Or trade my oatmeal for quinoa? Maybe I should be making more soups?

What do you keep on your grocery list? I want to hear your favorite at-home recipes. And I want to see pictures! Don't forget to tag @DiningOutChatt when you post your masterpieces on Instagram.

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