Fight the Freeze With Food

For those who survived last week’s polar vortex (I barely did), let us never be caught in the cold again. To that end I decided to research foods that help regulate our body temperature, and my findings were deliciously and indulgently surprising.

So, here are a few foods that might help keep you warm:

Ice cream. Yup, you read that right. Foods with more fat tend to take longer to digest, requiring the body to burn more energy and consequently heat up.

Beer. Alcohol dilates the blood vessels, allowing more warm blood to flow near the skin’s surface. But beware: While a drink may make you feel warmer, it actually lowers your overall core temperature.

Coconut Oil. The body efficiently converts its healthy fats into energy, a process that increases body temperature. In addition to being a great cooking oil, coconut oil can be used to treat dry skin, moisturize hair and bring world peace — probably… maybe.

Still, winter just became a dash more appetizing.

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