I scream for ice cream — all day, every day

Sunny Montgomery
Sunny Montgomery

Now that it is officially summer, let us commence eating ice cream all day, every day.

I know, it could become a pricey habit — unless, of course, you learn to make your own. As it turns out, you don’t need a fancy ice cream maker to make it happen. All you need is a few ingredients, a 2-quart container and a desire to live out your most decadent ice cream dreams, all day, every day.


What you need:

2 cups of heavy whipping cream

2 cups of half-and-half

1 cup of sugar

2 teaspoons of vanilla extract

What you do:

1. Begin by freezing your empty, freezer-safe 2-quart container. Then, using a whisk or spatula, mix together all the ingredients. Be sure that all the sugar is dissolved before pouring the mixture into your pre-frozen container.

2. Place the container back into your freezer and wait about 30 minutes. When you notice the mixture is just beginning to freeze, take it out and beat it using a hand-mixer. You’ll need to repeat this process every 30 minutes until the ice cream is firmly frozen. Don’t slack on this step — it’s what will give your ice cream that creamy texture.


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