Give yoga a chance

Do you know your downward facing dog from your cat-cow pose?

Novices and experienced yogis alike have the opportunity to experience a day of free yoga at the Sports Barn.

Yoga Day USA on Saturday is a nationwide initiative to offer free yoga classes. Some studios will encourage a donation to be sent to a charity. (Check with your neighborhood health club or yoga studio for related events.)

"It's a great way to encourage people and to give the gift of yoga," said Becky Dempsey, yoga director at the Sports Barn downtown.

The facility began participating in Yoga Day last year. This year, the Sports Barn will offer six classes of varying levels, open to the public at no cost.

Ms. Dempsey said she and the Sports Barn staff, rather than collecting donations to a particular charity, will encourage participants to donate to a cause of their choice from home.

"The whole vision of Yoga Day," she said, "is to give back."

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