Chattanooga actor loses 100 pounds in six months

Stacy Helton is a familiar face to patrons of the Chattanooga Theatre Centre. He's helped stage 38 productions; 24 of them as an actor, the rest as stage manager or backstage crew member.

But theater patrons will see a lot less of Helton this year. He's lost 100 pounds since March 21. You read that right: 100 pounds in less than six months.

Knowing the dedication that would require, I had to find out how.

Helton said he's using the Weight Watchers -- only his diet is unique in that he has never attended a WW meeting. He's done it all on his own through the WW Online program.

My reaction: What willpower!

"I've never had willpower in my life," he said laughing.

"I've found it was just laziness," he said of his former nutritional lifestyle.

"I've tried just counting calories with limited success for 20 years. My health has always been wonderful, but I have a family history of diabetes. I just decided to do it."

Helton said his job as a social worker for the Chambliss Home/Children's Shelter keeps him on the road traveling to 11 counties.

"I was a huge fast-food eater," he said. "Previously, a lunch on the road might be a pizza buffet or three fast-food hamburgers and fries," he recalled. "Now I bring my lunch with a sandwich and chips. I still haven't given up Chick-fil-A, though. But I can have that as long as I keep up with my points I'm allotted each day."

Helton said he chose the Weight Watchers plan 1) because his roommate was going to follow the plan as well and 2) the flexibility the plan allowed.

Stacy Helton at his former 369 pounds when he played "the old man" in "A Christmas Story" last December at the Chattanooga Theatre Centre. On Labor Day, Helton reached the 100-pounds-lost milestone.

He uses the smartphone app to keep a running points total during the day, and the website when he's home.

"One thing I liked was that I can have all the fruit I want. I've discovered fruit as a snack," he said.

He joked he's no longer dropping $30 a week at the Little Debbie Thrift Store.

"I'm surprised Little Debbie hasn't gone out of business," he quipped.

The biggest change he's seen has been improved stamina and breathing.

"Doing shows at the theater, I sang and danced, and I'd totally run outof breath."

Helton said he started walking to meet the plan's physical activity requirement.

"When I first started, I might do 15 minutes and I'd be huffing and puffing. The other night I walked for three hours." He adds that he walked a total of 369 miles this summer.

When the "Dark of the Moon" opens Oct. 14 at the CTC, it will mark the eighth, consecutive, season-opening play in which Helton's had a role. However, audience members may need their programs to recognize the former 369-pound actor.

"People say all the time 'This is a lifestyle change,' but it really has been," he said. "I don't feel like I can go back now. I don't even have the temptation to take a cheat day anymore."

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