Mohney: Lessons learned from a snowfall

From the time I was a little girl, I have always been excited at the first sign of a snowfall. I still am, but not with the same enthusiasm. In my youth, I delighted in sledding, snowball fights with friends, making snow angels and enjoying a cup of hot chocolate around the fire after coming inside.

To me, there is still nothing more beautiful than a neighborhood completely covered with the white stuff before a single person has walked on it. Today, however, I'm aware of the inconvenience it causes, and often the resultant falls and accidents.

Through the years, I have learned some valuable life lessons from the snow. First, I noticed that a single snowflake seems frail and certainly not powerful. If you catch a snowflake in your hand, it will melt in a second or two. Yet, when they come together, they can shut down schools and businesses, close roads and interrupt ongoing programs. Indeed, they can immobilize a city.

It occurred to me that people are like that. Individually, we may feel that we are not making much difference for good in the world. Yet, when we stand together, we become powerful. For example, as individual members of a church or synagogue, we may feel that our contributions are minimal. Yet when we work together, we can feed the homeless, train our children and youth for service and become strong enough to stand against the evil in our world.

Another lesson I've learned from snow is that, like life, we need to slow down and enjoy it. In our fast-paced world, we tend to become impatient when our plans are foiled or even changed slightly. How often I have prayed, "Lord, please give me patience, and give it to me right now."

My observation of people convinces me that most of the great ideas and actions come first out of silence or quietness. One of my favorite Bible verses is Isaiah 30:15: "In quietness and confidence shall be my strength."

So, let's enjoy the snow when it comes and profit from its lessons.

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