Where their donations go

Many news reporters on TV and radio and in newspapers are careful to separate their personal political views from their news coverage. That is commendable.

But not every supposedly objective journalist is so scrupulous. Too often, reporters who should be giving "just the facts" choose instead to color their reporting with their individual philosophies, giving favorable treatment to some of the groups they cover and showing bias against others. There is a broad - and sadly accurate - perception of liberal bias in much of the news media.

That is unfortunate because journalists who skew their reporting in favor of or against certain individuals destroy their credibility and compromise their ability to inform the public.

A recent review of data by the Center for Responsive Politics found that reporters, producers, editors, executives and other employees of the three major TV networks - ABC, CBS and NBC - gave a combined total of more than $1 million in 2008 to Democrat candidates or Democrat campaign committees. While 1,160 employees donated to Democrats, only 193 gave to Republican candidates and committees, for a total of about $143,000, The Washington Examiner reported.

We'd prefer that purportedly objective news reporters not give money to any candidate. But it is telling that reporters and other workers at the three big TV networks who do choose to contribute direct their money overwhelmingly to Democrats.

That is not in itself hard proof that reporters who donate to one party will give that party "nicer" coverage, but it does suggest that the philosophies of Democrats and of many in the major news media are closely aligned. And it shows that concerns about liberal media bias are not just figments of the American people's imagination.

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