Your tax dollars reward federal workers for riding bicycles

There are any number of excellent reasons why employees might choose to bicycle, rather than drive, to their workplaces.

Among them:

* It promotes good health.

* It alleviates traffic congestion.

* It saves money on gasoline and vehicle maintenance.

  • It reduces air pollution.

But the federal government doesn't have any business giving taxpayer-funded bonus checks to federal workers who opt to bicycle rather than drive to work.

For one thing, this new federal program might prove counterproductive: It could benefit mainly people who were already bicycling to work -- or planning to do so -- and who will now simply get paid for that choice.

But more importantly, private-sector taxpayers who are entitled to no such bicycling bonus ought not to have to subsidize this new incentive for government workers -- especially when Washington is already $15 trillion in debt!

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