2008: Our national 'oops moment'

Texas Governor Rick Perry made a very applicable and accurate statement while speaking in North Carolina at that state's Republican convention.

"Admit it, America, 2008 was our national 'oops' moment," news accounts reported he said, comparing the election of Barack Obama as president to Perry's own deer-in-the-headlights moment during the GOP presidential debates.

"Three and a half years, nearly 100 rounds of golf. Barack Obama has exploded the debt in this country ... passed a stimulus program that grew government and not the economy. He socialized health care and he armed Mexican drug cartels," Perry continued.

Poking fun at himself, Perry said his response to the often-asked question "what was it like to run for the presidency?" is simply, "I was the frontrunner for a while and it was the three most exhilarating hours of my life."

It's refreshing to see a politician not take himself so seriously, note his mistakes and move on.

America hopefully will embrace the lesson.

In 2008, voters swallowed hook, line and sinker the emotions of mythical rhetoric from a very street-smart young man with very little, if any, experience creating anything other than a marketed image to promote himself.

Let's laugh it off as our national "oops moment" and get it right in November.

If not, the joke will be on us ... and further destroy our nation.

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