'Love the sinner but hate the sin' and more Letters to the Editors

Love the sinner but hate the sin

First, let me say that I am not, nor is Jesus, a gay hater. I love the gay and lesbian, but hate their sin just as Jesus does. He came to save the lost, not to hate the lost. I have a nephew who is gay and niece who is lesbian. I love them but hate and despise their sin. I recently read where a particular church in Cleveland, Ohio, has a large highway poster that says, "Gays are a gift from God."

I just wish they could show me in the Bible where this is stated. People can have opinions but that does not change the Bible at all. For people to see what the Bible, which is infallible and is the inspired word of God, says, read the entire first chapter of Romans. Now, homosexuals can be saved. Look at First Corinthians Chapter 6 and you will see that gays can be saved if they repent of sins, get baptized in Jesus and are filled with the Holy Ghost just as Apostle Paul did. Yes, I love every sinner just as Jesus does, but hate every sin just as Jesus does.


Jobs editorial hypocritical

Yet another hypocritical editorial by the Free Press entitled "Good GM jobs in Tennessee" (Nov. 23). If memory serves, didn't you print several editorials ranting and raving about the government bailing out General Motors? Now all of a sudden, and I quote your editorial, "... so it is encouraging that GM has announced it will hire 1,900 total employees ..." Guess that bailout wasn't as bad as you made it out to be.

Furthermore, didn't your paper print editorials blaming the unions for General Motors' financial problems? Seems to me I recollect how anti-union those editorials were, and now and I quote you again, "... we welcome the Chevy jobs back to the state." You're welcoming union jobs? You guys flip-flop as much as Mitt Romney.

I just wonder how many of you Republican hypocrites are going to turn down Social Security and Medicare when it comes your time to get it? After all, they are "socialistic" programs. If I know my Republicans, you'll probably be the first ones at the Social Security office.


Dalton, Ga.

(Editor's Note: We welcome jobs. We oppose bailouts.)

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