'Some distort Bible's message' and more Letters to the Editors

Some distort Bible's message

Is Isaiah's vision for Samaria true for the U.S.A. today?

(NIV) "Those who guide this people mislead them, and those who are guided are led astray. Therefore the Lord will take no pleasure in the young men, nor will he pity the fatherless and widows, for everyone is ungodly and wicked, every mouth speaks vileness. Yet for all this, his anger is not turned away, his hand is still upraised."

People have voted for those who teach that abortion on demand is OK if you want it; sodomy is OK if that's your choice.

Even some preachers in mainline churches demean those who try to uphold our traditional higher morals, because seemingly they themselves don't believe the Bible is "the Word of God."

If your church teaches "the Word" as being given by God, be glad you have a good preacher, support him, and so spread the good news of the Gospel of Jesus Christ as found in the Bible.

Please read the Bible yourselves and avoid those who distort its message. Take it literally where possible and where various forms of language are used, take the literal meaning of what it is trying to convey.


Rossville, Ga.

As friend of Israel, U.S. will be blessed

Could we be on the verge of World War III?

Ezekiel, chapters 38-39, tells of a violent war in the Middle East which includes countries such as Iran, Iraq, Libya, and even Russia. This war will be against Israel and will take place in the latter days. No doubt such a battle will embroil the U.N., the U.S.A., and perhaps even China.

The daily news seems to indicate that an attack against Israel is imminent, and some of the countries listed in this Scripture are some of the ones that want to wipe Israel from the face of the earth.

The devastation will be so great that it will take Israel seven months to bury the dead of her enemies. There is not historical proof that such a war has yet been fought.

My question is, where will the U.S.A. be in this war? Whose side will we be on? The Bible is very clear that those who bless Israel will be blessed and those who curse Israel will be cursed. The fact that we have been friends to Israel for so many years is one of the reasons for America's success over the years.


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