Clay Bennett conveys severity of Iraq war, and more letters to the editors

Clay Bennett conveys severity of Iraq war

This article is in response to a letter to the editor, lambasting Clay Bennett's "vicious" attack on Bush's new library - Bennett comparing it with the Holocaust Museum.

I'm not as positive as the aforementioned writer that the comparison was not justified. Deliberate killing of over 6 million Jews, plus several million other political prisoners by the Germans was deplorable, but America's role in the killing of more than 100,000 Iraqis also is indefensible -- considering many were civilians.

There's not much difference in dropping bombs from five miles up and a crazy person with an automatic gun spraying a crowd. Many people will be victims along with their targets.

Is it poor taste to compare the Holocaust with our not-so-fast "mission accomplished" in Iraq? It really depends on what side of the bomb you're on, doesn't it? What would the families of the 100,000 Iraqis - if any still are alive - say? Perhaps it would be a different spin.


Republic Parking's billing is relentless

Republic parking ... argh! I received a ticket for parking next to a Dumpster. I didn't see a number on pavement, and I didn't even know it was part of Republic's system.

I lost the ticket. Unfortunately, this allowed the company to raise the price from $9 to $39! Republic sent me a bill, I explained the situation and included a check for $10. I wrote "paid in full" on the memo section. Republic crossed out my memo, cashed my check and billed me the remainder.

Despite my attempts to reason with it, Republic is relentless. It is unbelievable to me that this company pretty much rules downtown parking. I guess I won't be going downtown anymore!


Good Samaritans help save dog from traffic

With all the bad things happening in Red Bank the last few weeks, I want to say there is goodness - true goodness - in these neighborhoods, as well. That goodness was shown to me in the most tangible way by a good Samaritan whose name is Linda Clayton.

While we were sitting for a good friend, their dog, a huge German shepherd named Mata escaped. Enter Linda and another wonderful woman, whose name we didn't get.

Linda rescued him from rush-hour traffic on Dayton Boulevard and took him to a vet, who happened to be Mata's vet. Now everything's OK.

Linda went above and beyond to help strangers. Not too many people would even think to stop and help a huge German shepherd, much less be late for work to make sure he was taken care of.

I thank Linda, but I give God the glory for his protection not only for Mata's safety but from protecting us all from much grief.

Red Bank is truly a great place to live.


Ford took control of workers' wages

Did you know Henry Ford willingly raised his workers' wages from their usual two to three bucks a day to five?

You surely don't believe producers of goods and services to exclusive clients and/or customers - such as doctors, lawyers, Indian chiefs, butchers, bakers, candlestick makers and professionals, rather than our general public - have anything to do with slowing today's economy; now do you?


Americans should not be forced to join union

Americans should always have the right to join the labor union of their choice.

However, Americans must never be forced to join a union as a condition of holding their job.


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