Good Deed: Motorist toots horn for kindness of strangers

Motorist toots horn for kindness of strangers

Last month I was forced to pull over when I heard a terrible clanking noise coming from my car. I pulled over at the Kangaroo Express on Lake Shore Drive. Thank goodness some people go out of their way to be helpful!

A nice young woman pulled over and told me something was hanging beneath my car. She got down on the ground and showed it to me.

Two young men got out of their truck to help -- and, help they did. It was the horn. Evidently a screw had jarred loose and left the horn hanging -- making a terrible noise as I drove along. The men detached the horn so I could drive home. I could never have done that myself.

I wish I'd gotten the names of those three kind strangers that day, but I do want them to know how much I appreciate their help.


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