Baby the victim in abortions and other letters to the editors

Baby the victim in abortions

I Googled and found a real-time abortion counter, based on the latest data. While I was reading, the counter kept adding new abortions. Since 1973, America has murdered 57,544,161 (and counting) babies by abortion. Planned Parenthood, since 1970, has murdered 653,048 (and counting) and already this year 15,695. In the U.S. this year, 125,695 (and counting) already have been killed.

My heart is heavy, and I just wanted to make sure these precious children are remembered. I keep hoping there will be an epiphany and America will repent, but my heart sinks as I realize how hard-hearted we have become while killing our most valuable resource, our children.

How do we stop this evil? First of all, stop making the mother the victim. The aborted baby is the victim. Think adoption, not abortion. Abortion is a gruesome and tragic final solution that doesn't show the mother has control of her own body but rather has lost control with an unwanted pregnancy.

Carl Sandburg said it well: "A baby is God's opinion that the world should go on."

Helen Fussell, Rossville

Children are a commitment

When are we going to face the real problem? It is not a black or white problem, it is both. If a woman and a man have a child they know they can't and never will provide a stable home for, with food, shelter and an education, what have they done?

You commit your child to a life of living on the "system," charity, handouts, no pride and begging. The government makes it easy by saying it will provide the child with everything it needs. It drives them to stealing, robbing and selling dope for a living. Saying "Oh how I love you" is not enough and is really a lie.

These children need a lot of pride in themselves and a good education. The government tells a woman she can have all the benefits from the "system" if a man doesn't live with her. The man should either pay child support or be in jail, one or the other. That should be a requirement before the woman gets on the "system."

Until we accept the responsibility of having a child and give them pride in themselves, nothing will change and gangs and killings will increase.

Jerry Place, Rossville

You might be a racist if

As Clint Cooper pointed out Sunday (1/18), many racists are blissfully ignorant of their racism. He points out that Tennessee has been listed as the 10th most racist state. Using the Jeff Foxworthy method, I would like to help racists expand their awareness.

You might be a racist if you think blacks live in poverty because they are "lazy." You might be a racist if you think more blacks are in prison because there are more black criminals. You might be a racist if you think that justice is gunning down a black teenager in the street for stealing a box of cigarillos. You might be a racist if you think choking a black man to death for selling single cigarettes is just and killing a black child playing with a toy gun is OK.

You might be a racist if you think racial unrest is a product of "outside agitators" and that there is no such thing as "racial profiling." You might be a racist if you ridicule the president as "the magic Negro" and think your two-year nursing degree makes you smarter than a man with a law degree from Harvard.

Terry Stulce, Ooltewah

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