Christians can't serve two masters and more letters to the editors

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Christians can't serve two masters

The comment was made in a recent article that "it is, in fact, possible for a person to be Christian and practice Buddhism... ." I completely disagree based upon the Scriptures, which reveal exactly what God desires.

Jesus Christ, the God/man came and reiterated God's commands to love and obey God alone. When a Christian becomes a Christ follower, he agrees with God he is a sinner and surrenders himself to his creator and rescuer.

Spiritually, he dies to his will and self-interest, living as Christ guides him. His mind is renewed by God as he meditates on the Scriptures, which transform him to think, love and serve others as Jesus did.

A believer does not need to transform himself nor make himself more compassionate. It takes a lifetime of practicing all the changes God performs. But his joy of knowing Christ, of his love, mercy and forgiveness toward him daily, compels him to share that this God still stands with arms outstretched toward the ends of the earth, and says come to me and be rescued from the death penalty your sin has earned.

A Christian must be faithful to this God fully until death.

Gail McCurry, Signal Mountain


Cook's Corker advice applauded

Many thanks to David Cook for voicing in his column, "Bob Corker's McCarthy Moment," the fears and concerns of many regarding the path down which a major political party is, apparently, choosing to travel.

I would only hope Sen. Corker has knowledge of, and will face Donald Trump with, the famous quotation from Joseph Welch to McCarthy, "Until this moment... I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness. ...You have done enough. Have you no decency?"

Patricia Alverson


Siedlecki promise is bait and switch

Promises, promises, promises. Oops, can't fulfill what was promised.

Mark Siedlecki doesn't know what the county assessor does. That office only appraises. The assessor does not set the rate. The legislature does. The value of the property goes up based on the economy. Individuals over age 65 on limited income can apply for a relief program.

Too bad Siedlecki is lying to seniors. It is the usual bait and switch.

Ida Cotter, Signal Mountain


Nation is facing God's judgment

Jesus spoke in Matthew 19:4-5: "Have you not read that he who made them at the beginning made them male and female? For this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh."

God's plan of husband and wife "cleaving" to one another is face to face, creating life, and does not bring disease and death.

God decided if we are male or female. He "wove us in our mother's womb. His eyes saw our substance, being yet unformed. And in his book they all were written, the days fashioned for us, before we were born" (Psalms 139:13-16). We were all created with purpose (Jeremiah 29-11).

Every person is born with a sin nature that is capable of every kind of lust and vile affection.

However, we must first reject the moral laws of God which are written in our hearts. Only the power of God's truth and his grace can bring freedom. Because our government has approved homosexuality and redefined marriage, our nation is in a perilous position and facing God's judgment.

Genendal Fratantuono

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