Fake news comes from Trump, Bannon and more letters to the editors

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Fake news comes from Trump, Bannon

We all know where the fake news is coming from. The golden-haired boy named Donald and his boss, Steve Bannon. It's disgusting.

He is repressing or trying to suppress the free press. He wants to get rid of any and all media not sanctioned by him and pipe national TV and speakers in our homes like the "Dear Leader" in North Korea.

The Founding Fathers thought of everything - checks and balances and a free press to keep everyone honest. They thought of the Electoral College, which was brilliant at the time.

Our president lies daily. Blatantly. Without remorse or apology. His surrogates explain it with terms like alternative facts.

By the way, we also now have the 25th Amendment, where we can yank a man who is mentally unfit to serve.

Tim Engel


Trump also angry, hateful, mendacious

The title of the editorial in the Free Press for Feb. 18, 2017, describes a straw man, for who has ever heard Donald Trump called a "tame wallflower"?

The editor praises him, although he was the "chief birther," for speaking to "those who have twisted facts." The president has twisted more facts than just the birthplace of his predecessor.

During the press conference that caused this editorial, he dishonestly insisted he had garnered more electoral votes than any other president since Reagan. "Twisted facts," indeed.

The president complained of a network that is "full of anger and hate." However, at least at one of his rallies people heard Mr. Trump shout, "I'd like to punch him in the face." Anger and hate, indeed.

Those who watched the final presidential debate saw Mr. Trump pace hugely, menacingly, closely behind the comparatively diminutive form of his opponent - and even loom over her to announce his likely intention to have her put into prison. Anger and hate, indeed.

Near his conclusion, the editor acknowledges President Trump is "inelegant, rambling, defensive... ," but he omits angry, hateful, and mendacious, words that also belong.

Bill Cushman


Heroics of Doss overlooked by city

The Times Free Press published an awesome article by Terry Mattingly last Saturday about the heroism of Desmond Doss, a Medal of Honor recipient of unbelievable courage and faith.

After the war, he developed strong ties to our city. Yet our city fathers have shown no interest in facilitating having a Medal of Honor museum to honor one of many true patriots.

We are also privileged to have Charles Coolidge, another hero who calls Chattanooga his home. When are we going to honor all who did so much for our country?

So sad. Please ask our leaders to act as if they are leaders.

Rudy Walldorf

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