Proctor's thoughts and more letters to the editors

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Proctor's thoughts

Now that we have a new schools superintendent, I hope he can improve the students better than his predecessors from years past. Plus, let's get rid of this school board, except for Rhonda Thurman who doesn't cry for more millions every year.

In my opinion, the state is about 10 years late. Let's give Hamilton County Mayor Jim Coppinger credit for not wasting more millions.

When will the Times Free Press stop whining every time the school board tries to shake us down? I thought things would be better with wheel-tax [Curtis] Adams gone. Boy, was I wrong.

Ronnie Proctor

East Ridge

Hate only leads to our destruction

For six months, crazed Hollywood, commentators and little people have demonized the president of our country. They have incited riots and now, a shooting has occurred - at a baseball practice, no less.

Please, Democrats, contact Hillary, Pelosi, Bernie - anyone with influence and ask them to rein in those agitators.

Hate is such a waste and can only lead to destruction.

Margie Merritt

Ringgold, Ga.

AHCA 'soulless' legislation bill

The American Health Care Act (AHCA) in the Senate is at best a soulless piece of legislation designed to enrich the rich at the expense of the poor, elderly, sick and disabled. Massive cuts in Medicaid will have many unfortunate consequences for Tennessee.

One of them, intended or otherwise, would be closure of many small rural hospitals, nursing homes and clinics that serve residents outside the urban areas of Chattanooga, Knoxville and Nashville.

Those facilities depend on Medicaid payments as a main sources of income; without it, they will have no choice but to close.

The victims will be those who rely on those facilities for their basic health care needs and for their proximity in an emergency. Beyond that would be the loss of good paying jobs and doctors who would move to areas where they can refer patients for extended stays and specialized treatment.

The AHCA is a bad piece of legislation, but the closure of local hospitals is overlooked. Please call Sens. Corker and Alexander to express your opposition to the AHCA.

Jim Griffin

Delano, Tenn.

Rural hospitals needed; nix bill

Tennessee is losing rural hospitals faster than any state except Texas. We've lost nine in recent years. Country folks are less likely to have health insurance, so their hospitals have more bad debt. Almost two-thirds of the income rural hospitals get is from Medicare or Medicaid. But Congress would cut Medicare and Medicaid in its new American Health Care Act (AHCA). Many rural hospitals, barely keeping their doors open now, won't make it.

One effect of losing the hospitals is jobs: Hospitals are usually one of the biggest employers in a community. Doctors and nurses will move to a place that has a hospital to admit patients. New businesses won't move into an area without a hospital. Old businesses won't grow. With the rural economy damaged, young people will move away.

Tennesseans who live in the country have greater health care needs than those from urban areas. We are older and more likely to have chronic diseases. The opioid and meth addiction epidemics are worse in rural Tennessee.

The AHCA will force more rural hospitals to close. There are other reasons to oppose it, but the loss of rural hospitals is a big one.

Robert Bryant

Ocoee, Tenn.

Clean up downtown

It was embarrassing to have Riverbend guests comment on the condition of the Interstate 24/27 underpass and the litter that plagues that area as well as the downtown on- and off-ramps.

To the government of this "Most Beautiful City," I say that the buck must stop here. The ongoing debate with TDOT about who is responsible for cleanup is not getting the job done. Use our regular Sunday cleanup crew. They already clean the areas on either side of the underpass.

Let's hope we get as quick a response to this mess as we did during election months. It has been seven months since the last cleanup. I always offer my help to Mayor Berke, and I remain available to help if needed.

Kathy Reno

Democracy at risk with Trump

Did Trump make America great again or promise to trade our democracy to the Russians?

Republicans were not satisfied to make assault rifles legal; now we literally give them away as door prizes at churches.

"Hillary for Prison" bumper stickers and "Rope, tree, journalist" T-shirts are very telling for the future of America.

Don't believe the GOP leaders will be satisfied with control of the Senate, House, Supreme Court and the presidency. They will continue to eliminate or demonize Democrats, unions, voting rights, the poor and especially newspaper journalists.

What have we gotten for selling the soul of America to Republican storytellers? High paying jobs? Tax cuts for the wealthy? Elimination of ACA? Are we better off than in 1994 when the GOP won the House?

The godly men that founded this nation never intended for this country to be controlled by one party. Unchecked power is never good. Jefferson said, "An informed citizenry is a vital requisite for our survival as a free people." We have access to information like no time in our history.

But God cannot be on the side of lies. Americans must discern the truth. Our democracy literally depends on the truth.

Randall Price

Wellness: Turn off TV, read a book

Carl Cedarstrom and Andre Spicer's "The Wellness Syndrome" may become a 21st-century watershed. For in it is described the current rage in society: "to be well; to be happy." Oh ye fat, flabby, junk food automatons!

Meanwhile, back on your sofa, how many times a day are you bombarded by TV advertisements for diet programs, exercise bikes, fitness coaches? Plus the barrage of new drugs with names like Tulsi, Lyrica, Viberzi.

Blessed are the uninformed. But as you eat your sandwich, the TV reminds you how bad high cholesterol is. Then you feel the need to hightail it to your doctor and ask for a new wonder drug. If you eat your sandwich, feel free to be anxious. Your TV, which is supposed to entertain you, has just double-crossed you and made you unhappy.

Happiness, apparently, is being filled with prescription drugs as you while away the hours on an exercise bike. To eat broccoli or not eat broccoli. That is the question.

So I ask you: Is your TV making you feel anorexic and unhappy? Then stop watching it and read a good book. And rip open that bag of chips.

Mike Bodine

East Ridge

God with Trump; support him

A writer recently wrote that Vice President Mike Pence should step up. A local author said politics and religion don't mix. I haven't given up on President Trump. He has a lot to learn but God is with him.

Our laws are based on Jewish/Christian principles. Our money says "In God We Trust." Our great documents say we have God-given rights.

I encourage Christians to stay involved in politics, and our country may turn back to God. See what we did in the last election. On our knees we will continue to win.

Janette Roberts

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