
OBAMA SAYS the federal government has been in charge of the oil spill since day one. Nice job.

WHINEY BP guy wants his life back. Hey, we want our marshes back.

MR. PRESIDENT, give Bobby Jindal whatever he asks for.

LIMBAUGH LEMMINGS: Anti-regulation conservatives repent! God's hurricanes will dump the oil from the Gulf spill on the Red State GOP supporters in the South.

THE ONLY JOB easier than being the fact checker for Rush Limbaugh is being a safety inspector on a BP drilling platform in the Gulf.

NEED A JOB? Run for the Senate as a Democrat and Obama will give you a job offer.

WE COULD eliminate the national debt and reduce global warming if we enacted a "liar's tax" on any politician telling a lie!

ISRAELI COMMANDOS board an aid ship, in international waters, kill civilians, blame the victims as usual, and the media wants to talk about Fergie.

DURING THE recent flooding in Nashville, why wasn't there any looting?

THE TENNESSEE Legislature is proof that Republicans are as self serving and silly as Democrats.

AMERICA'S PROBLEM isn't big government -- it's shoddy governing by greedy legislators whose only motive is lining their own pockets.

IF STATE "educrats" know so much about fixing low-performing schools, why do they work in offices in Nashville instead of in the schools?

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