Letters to the Editor

Heroes appear in midst of storm

I would like to share a story of everyday heroes in the midst of the storm.

The oak in the front yard of my parents' North Chattanooga home came crashing down on both of their vehicles as well as a young couple's vehicle who were on their way home nearby.

There is so much to be thankful for; we are thankful that the couple was not severely injured.

I thank the friends and neighbors who worked to clear the tree that blocked the roadway as well as comfort my mother, the strangers who appeared and offered a hand, and the Chattanooga Police Department who checked in on the situation many times, always concerned that everyone was all right.

And perhaps most of all, our "tree angels," Timberline Tree Service, who showed up on the scene and jumped right in to help us clear the tree, no questions asked, and asking for nothing in return.

My parents lost material belongings but we all gained much more.

I grew up in North Chattanooga and always knew it was a special neighborhood but now that is all reconfirmed. People do care about others and give of themselves to prove it. Thank you all!



No union funds for candidates

As a retired teacher who taught in another state, I was forced to join the teachers' union. Some of my dues went to support political candidates that I did not choose. That was the only frustration with the union, but I have a simple solution.

No union should be able to support any political candidate, and that would take away an unfair practice. The unions could then charge less dues and put more money in the members' hands.

Where money is given, favors are expected, and some don't want to support certain political parties with their money because of their conscience.

Re: "'Who's Next?'" (letter, March 1), the author states about the governor in Wisconsin, " He's going to fire them (teachers), call in his police, arrest teachers in their homes, or on the streets, wherever he can hunt them down."

If the governor hasn't had one person arrested in the two weeks of demonstrators "living" in the capital, then the previous comment isn't plausible. The author talks about with right-wingers, big lies are acceptable. That is as untrue as for me to say to all left-wingers, big lies are acceptable. As our president rightly said to all Americans, "Let's tone down the rhetoric."


Lookout Mountain

GOP resisting Obama efforts

Re: "Obama or who in 2012" (Feb. 25):

Apparently the writer forgot that a large majority of Americans elected the president because he promised change, change from unfunded, unprovoked wars, change from tax breaks for the very wealthy, change to make health care available for everyone, change from corporate welfare.

Republicans have resisted every effort the president made to effect the change he was elected to make.

They even stated their one priority was to make the president fail. (Treason, anyone?)

To Republicans, only the results of elections that they win are legitimate.

This editorial, with its unsubstantiated claims of presidential failures and veiled racism, should serve as a warning to those who hold our democracy dear. The editorialist reported, you decide: go to http://obamaachievements.org.


Signal Mountain

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