'Danger' in gift to King School and more letters to the editors

Letters to the editor / Getty Images
Letters to the editor / Getty Images

'Danger' in gift to King School

Contrary to the Chattanooga Free Press editorial of Aug. 20 stating that the Hamilton County Commission award $154,577 to the King School "... doesn't seem like a big deal to us," it is, in fact, a very big deal. The King School is a self-identified religious school that is co- sponsored by Chattanooga Christian School. CCS states it seeks to form the minds (brainwash) of students through the timeless truths of Scripture.

Of course, we all want the best education for our children, but public funds should not be spent on religious schools, whether they be Christian, Jewish, Islamic, Hindu, etc.

Apparently Commissioner David Sharpe was the only one familiar with the Tennessee Constitution that states "The General Assembly shall provide for the maintenance, support and eligibility standards for a system of free public schools." It does not authorize any public funds going to religious schools (it also does not prohibit it). Parents are free to send their children to any religious schools they desire, but not at public expense.

Shall the commission next authorize funds for the Annoor Academy, a private Muslim school in Chattanooga?

The action taken by our commission is not without great danger.

Erskine Mabee

Men pregnant good for a laugh

I was watching the news a few days ago. A reporter was interviewing a female educator. The discussion was about what children are being taught in school.

The reporter asked her if she believed that a man could get pregnant. She said, "Yes, I do."

Now, I really think we should ask the man if he wants to do that.

I have never heard any woman or man explain how that would work. Maybe they put a pouch on their belly and drop a few seeds in it and see what happens.

When I stopped laughing and wiping my eyes, I just imagined how that could be:

He would need to have all the emotions and fun that women have.

He may need to get accustomed to frequent urination, morning sickness, vomiting, weight gain, indigestion, maybe swollen ankles, trouble sleeping -- for nine months.

God never meant for men to get pregnant; otherwise he would have given them the necessary parts.

We really need to focus on more important issues facing the American people.

The thought is good for a laugh, though.

Ruth Cote


Merging into traffic is not rocket science

When approaching two lanes that turn into one, drivers are merging too soon, causing needless delays. The Department of Transportation encourages motorists to use the entire lane instead of merging half a mile before the lane finishes.

We need to get it out of our heads that it is rude for a driver to use the entire lane to the end. When motorists try to merge too soon, it causes even more congestion. There are documentaries on the internet/Discovery Channel on this. Traffic will improve if we follow the scientific research on this and not our personal opinions and feelings on what is right and wrong.

I am sure the state Department of Transportation is open for suggestions. There needs to be a public service campaign on how to improve traffic flow. Inform the Chattanooga community of the evidence about the benefits of using the entire lane and to avoid merging too soon. I'm certain this can be done.

Steve Rodriguez

Affidavits should stay sealed

Sworn affidavits that undergird search warrants are typically sealed until charges are issued or an investigation is closed. Why do the media want the FBI affidavits open now? It is a terrible idea that threatens to compromise the entire FBI investigation, including exposing witnesses. Just what Trump ordered.

Horace Barker


A commitment to Biden stupidity

Biden's corrupt DOJ and KGB -- formally known as the FBI -- have now raided Trump's home under a warrant signed by a Trump-hating magistrate, not even a federal judge. According to corrupt Attorney General Garland, the search was narrowly focused. It wasn't. The KGB grabbed anything it wanted. It even broke into his safe, rummaged through Melania's bedroom closet and stole Trump's passports. This is an attempt to prevent Trump from running in 2024. They'll probably plant fake evidence in what the KGB seized and charge him with some fake crime.

Biden and the Deep State are destroying this country to maintain their power. And Trump is a threat to their power. The Deep State and Democrats will do whatever it takes to prevent Trump from occupying the White House again. Democrats who voted for Biden must love his policies of higher inflation, open borders where millions of illegals invaded, higher gas and food prices, and unlimited spending. To the Democrats who voted for Biden and support his policies, I applaud your commitment to stupidity.

Gary Hayes


Small schools have benefits

It has been the school district's policy to build small, community schools that are responsive to its constituents and able to structure its curriculum to achieve its mission: education. This is not conducive to superior athletic teams. They could consolidate four schools into a mega-school with 16 coaches and a juggernaut of a team. In this case 75% of those now playing would not even make the squad. What is more important, playing or winning?

There is no justification for taxpayer funding 40 elite athletes to play a game on Friday night. This should be 100% supported by the boosters. Encouraging 95% of the student body to be spectators is the worst thing one could teach. If sports are important, everyone should play! An intramural program would not be expensive. I believe TFP's story on athletics on Sunday was misguided.

Tom Peck

Pays to be irresponsible

Certain political developments these days are almost beyond belief. The president's announcement of student loan debt forgiveness lands in that category for many of us, including especially those folks younger than me who in recent years paid off massive college debts. Here's the story of such a couple.

"My wife and I graduated from college in the year 2000 with over $50,000 in unpaid student loans ($86,000 in today's dollars). In the first years of our marriage we sacrificed greatly in order to pay down this debt. We both worked as teachers while renting modest apartments, and later we bought a run-down house and lived in it while we fixed it up ourselves. It was another 10 years of sacrifice, but when we sold it we made enough to pay off our student loans and be debt-free.

It's tempting to feel foolish or duped with this idea that the government will now simply forgive the loans of people who have put them off and not paid them. It seems that what the government is teaching us is that it pays to be irresponsible or to wait for somebody else to pay your debts."

Gary Lindley

Lookout Mountain, Ga.

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