The states with the biggest population increase are...

Map of the United States, U.S. map tile, United States map tile, USA map
Map of the United States, U.S. map tile, United States map tile, USA map

The states with the biggest numerical increase in population from 2014 to 2015 were:

1. Texas - up by 490,036 residents

2. Florida - up by 365,703 residents

3. California - up by 352,527 residents

4. Georgia - up by 117,728 residents

5. Washington - up by 107,185 residents

6. North Carolina - up by 102,415 residents

7. Colorado - up by 100,986 residents

8. Arizona - up by 99,282 residents

9. South Carolina - up by 66,986 residents

10. Oregon - up by 57,775 residents

Source: U.S. Bureau of Census annual population estimates. Tennessee added an estimated 52,520 residents and Alabama added an estimated 12,568 residents in 2015.

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