Chattanooga ranked as 9th worst run city in U.S.

Here's a list of the worst run cities in America

Downtown Chattanooga tile
Downtown Chattanooga tile

The online website ranked the nation's 150 biggest cities for their operating efficiency by comparing the quality of services residents receive against the city's total budget. The study rated 33 community factors, including crime rates, quality of schools, economic growth and wages, financial stability and other factors and measured results against the city's per-capita budget.

1. Washington D.C.

2. Detroit

3. New York City

4. San Francisco

5. Cleveland, Ohio

6. Hartford, Conn.

7. Oakland, Calif.

8. Flint, Mich.

9. Chattanooga

10. Memphis

Source: WalletHub. Chattanooga ranked above average in its financial stability and infrastructure and pollution ratings, but it ranked below average in education, health, safety and income, among other factors. The top-rated cities, in order, were Tampa, Idaho; Provo, Utah; Boise, Idaho; Missoula, Mont., and Lexington, Ky.

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