Apple Medical shares options for knee ailments

Your body is an amazing machine. Each part works in conjunction with the other to keep you functioning and healthy. Every joint consists of multiple parts that all perform a function for your joint to do its job.

When one part fails, the machine no longer functions at its ideal capacity, just like your car. Your body operates the same way. Today, we are going to focus on your knees, and just how important it is for that joint to function properly.

Let's first examine what your knee actually does. The short answer: it supports motion in your body; like walking, running, bending, turning, etc. Your knee is what allows the leg to bend. It also provides stability in order to support the weight of your body. That's a very important job for one joint to perform.

When we think of the knee as a whole, we also have to take into account the different parts that are needed for your knee to perform its job. Bones, cartilage, muscles, tendons, and ligaments all work together to provide motion and stability to your knee. Much like your car, if one part of your knee fails, your knee ceases to function as it should.

Our first clue that something isn't working like it should: pain. Think of it as your body's very own check engine light. Pain indicates to us that there is something going on with our body. With the knee, there are several issues that can cause its parts to no longer function at capacity, which in turn can cause us pain.

Much like your car, the parts in your knee are susceptible to breaking down. It can be through disease or injury, but when that break down occurs, pain and discomfort typically follow. If that break down isn't repaired, over time that can lead to other, and sometimes more serious issues, but that's a later discussion.

The Arthritis Foundation lists the knee as one of the most injury-prone joints. Some injuries can be prevented, but accidents can and do occur. Knee injuries resulting from trauma can be treated a variety of ways, including medication and surgery. Usually a traumatic injury to your knee can lead to residual pain and future knee problems. While traumatic injuries can be a common occurrence, particularly in athletes, that is not the most common knee ailment, especially in our local area.

Arthritis. A very simple word, but it is a degenerative condition that does not discriminate who it affects. The Arthritis Foundation is now estimating that 1 in 3 people age 18-64 have arthritis. In the state of Tennessee, arthritis effects between 34.6-46% of all adults, both women and men. 27.3% of all adults in Hamilton County are affected by arthritis, according to a recent study conducted by the CDC. Over one quarter of the population of Hamilton County: friends, family, neighbors are suffering with the pain that is associated with arthritis.

Arthritis in the knee can be the cause of pain and stiffness, but it can also lead to joint dysfunction. In cases of severe damage, knee replacements are often recommended. However, there are ways to be proactive when it comes to your health. Our clinic takes a holistic approach to our patients' health. The amazing machine that is your body works as a whole for you to function. That is our approach. We treat the whole body to find the cause of the problem, not just the symptom.

Through the use of natural joint treatments, regenerative medicine, chiropractic, and physical medicine, we have a variety of treatment options available that do not involve more medication or painful surgeries. Whatever the cause of your knee pain, it does not have to slow you down. If you are ready to take control of your health and put an end to your knee pain, we would love to guide you on that journey. Call 423-355-9691 to set up your complimentary consultation today to see how we can help you say goodbye to your knee pain.

Much like your car, the parts in your knee are susceptible to breaking down. It can be through disease or injury, but when that break down occurs, pain and discomfort typically follow.


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