Mohney: Finding serendipity in everyday moments

The word "serendipity" comes from a letter written by Horace Walpole to a friend in 1754. In it, Walpole spoke of how often the Persians made unexpected discoveries while looking for something else. Walpole later used the word in his book, "The Three Princes of Serendip."

Serendipity has been common in the scientific community. In 1927, Alexander Fleming, working with World War I soldiers, noticed that they had a certain type of bacteria. One night he was tired and left the bacterial cultures he was working on just as they were. The following morning, he discovered some kind of mold had killed the bacteria. It turned out to be penicillin, a powerful discovery made by accident.

It's true that many of our everyday experiences come by surprise. In early January, I was invited to lunch by friends who live at the Terrace on Mountain Creek Road. It's a five-story facility with beautifully landscaped grounds, apartments for independent living as well as assisted living and a physical therapy department.

The entire experience was delightful. As the people at our table made conversation contributions, I was happily reminded of many church and community activities in which my late husband and I had participated.

There was a sense of long tradition as I realized how many Chattanoogans I've been privileged to know and appreciate since coming to this city as a bride. In the intervening years, the city has come alive with innovation, has a strong downtown area, is more scenically beautiful, and definitely is more high-tech. Yet, it still has maintained a small-town feeling where people speak to each other on the street.

On the way home that day, I thought of how often we take life for granted because we become set in our ways. In addition, we allow stress to put life on hold. As a result, one of my New Year's resolutions for 2015 is to live my faith more fully each day and to look for serendipity along the way.

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