Grassroots efforts will pay off in next election and more letters to the editors

Letters to the Editor
Letters to the Editor

Hold President Trump accountable for actions

On Wednesday, Donald Trump retweeted several videos from a group called Britain First, a right-wing extremist organization in the United Kingdom which has been identified as a hate group. The videos have been debunked as false. The prime minister and the foreign secretary of the United Kingdom have denounced Britain First as inimical to British values and common decency.

For the U.S. president to condone those hateful videos by publicizing them is as shocking and inconceivable as it would be if he praised the leader of the Ku Klux Klan, or excused the actions of American Nazis. Our country is demeaned by his actions, and our international reputation has been damaged, perhaps permanently.

Mr. Trump needs to be called to account for his unpresidential behavior. Citizens concerned for the good name of our country should send him letters of protest, attend his appearances and protest, and above all, contact their representatives in Washington to make it clear that his behavior is unacceptable.

Senators and representatives need to be called on to make public their stance on Mr. Trump's actions. Their constituents deserve to know what sort of people represent them in the capitol.

John David Cofield

LaFayette, Ga.

Episcopal churches split over Trump

Episcopal clergy are wringing their hands over how to "hold my church together," as congregations split between parishioners under Trump's spell and parishioners sickened by everything he is and does.

God's church cannot be divided. Individual congregations can divide into political groups, one upholding values of hate and war; the other standing with Jesus Christ.

Yet we've heard no public ecclesiastical denouncement of U.S. current immigration policy concerning children. What kind of Christian leadership will not confront such powerful, dangerous forces?

Wake up! Get on your knees and pray. Pray publicly. Cleanse the temple publicly, not in the name of political unity, but in the name of Jesus Christ. Exhort and teach Christians how to involve ourselves in today's world. Reach out to Franciscans and Quakers to learn ways to resolve differences and achieve peace. Give us new, relevant liturgies and prayers.

During World War II, to the church's shame, Pope Pius XII failed to confront Hitler. Trump has not yet overthrown our weakened democracy, but unless stopped, he will. And unless Christianity will play a role in supporting truth in this political dark age, it will become ever more irrelevant.

The church cannot remain silent.

Faye Walter

Sewanee, Tenn.

Grassroots efforts will pay off in next election

Sen. Corker, you are out of touch and in a vacuum in D.C. You never plan town halls so that the frustrated, the outraged and the hurting can really talk to you. Big money has gotten control of our legislators.

There is a grassroots activism out here that I haven't seen since the 1960s. We are committed to taking our government back. Before the last presidential election, I was not politically involved, but noticed my standard of living was diminishing. I never have fully recovered after the Great Recession, and, yes, I wish Obama had done more.

The health care bill repeal was a disaster and this tax scam legislation is, too. Media and independent evaluators keep explaining that the selling points are minuscule for the majority of us.

It is for the best that you plan to retire because I can't imagine you being re-elected. I have hosted ghost town halls. I have visited your offices and met your staff. I have committed to rebuild the Democratic party and am learning what a precinct captain is. I will keep calling and writing to you. I will not stop while this degradation of our government continues.

DB Reisen

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