At the root of illegal immigration

What is behind the fact that the United States has somewhere between 10 million and 20 million illegal aliens?

Well, generally speaking, most illegal aliens probably come to this country to enjoy economic advantages. But more specifically, they come here - and keep coming here - because they can find jobs. However much they may otherwise enjoy the United States, most would not come, or stay, if the job supply simply dried up.

That is why the Georgia Senate has passed a bill to cut off the availability of jobs to illegal aliens. The bill would require many employers to verify the immigration status of newly hired workers. As fewer illegal aliens get jobs, fewer will come here.

That is significant, because Georgia has a painfully high unemployment rate of more than 10 percent. While some of the jobless would be unemployed even if there were no illegal aliens in Georgia, it is wrong that some jobs which could be filled by U.S. citizens or legal immigrants are instead given to people who are in this nation unlawfully.

A bill similar to the Senate version has passed in the Georgia House. Differences between the two will have to be resolved in a joint committee. But absent adequate federal efforts to combat illegal immigration, Georgia is reasonably attempting to confront this troubling issue itself.

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