Video: How the 'dirtiest' city in America became the Chattanooga we love today

Last week, more than 500 writers and news gatherers visited Chattanooga to attend the 23rd annual conference of the Society of Environmental Journalists.

Chattanooga, once dubbed the "dirtiest" city in America, is now something of an outdoor mecca, so the journalists came here to learn about city sustainability from both national experts and Chattanooga's own tough local lessons.

To begin the conference, attendees heard from Chattanooga mayors, past and present, and watched this Chamber of Commerce video about the city's amazing turnaround.

Read the Times page editorial on Tuesday for more. Pam Sohn will write about how having some 500 members of the Society of Environmental Journalists in town offered local reporters and editors many new sets of eyes on how we can view our city.

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