Skip the sick this season

This time of year, the weather is a fickle beast. One day, I’m in flip flops and short sleeves. The next, I’m cranking the heat in my car on my drive to work.

But one thing is certain, as the temperatures rise and fall, people are prone to getting sick. Here are some ways to protect yourself this season.

Stop biting your nails. First, it’s gross. Second, germs live under your fingernails, and even regular hand-washing may not fully sanitize those ten hard-to-reach places.

Avoid dips at parties. People double-dip. That’s life. At your next cocktail party, avoid unwanted germs by enjoying that chip sans salsa.

Sweat. Sorry, but the sniffles are not an excuse to skip the gym. Moderate exercise — i.e. 30 minutes of cycling, running or even brisk walking three to four times a week — strengthens our bodies’ flu-fighting cells, and can reduce the risk of catching a cold by 27 percent or more.

Pet your pet more. Recent research indicates that pleasurable behaviors, such as smiling, petting your pet or generally thinking positive, can boost your immune system.

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