Big Game

Louis Pasteur, grandfather of microbiology and founder of pasteurization, said, “Chance favors the prepared mind.” By this, he meant that good things come to those that lay the groundwork — which, I believe, can be as simple as stating your desires.

Case in point: Last month, in this column, I listed all the strange foods I’d like to try, which included rattlesnake, opossum and ostrich egg, among others. Then last week, while attending a board meeting at Chattanooga Audubon Society, a fellow member passed me a printout from her “The Joy of Cooking” cookbook, circa 1973.

The copied recipes were from the “Game” chapter, and included everything from opossum to bear to beaver tail.

“If you make any of these, you have to write about it,” she told me.

I easily agreed, delighted to be one step closer to achieving my weird food dreams.

So, Chattanooga, I implore you – might you, by chance, have some wild game to share?

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