What's the right career goal for your children?

Intel recently commissioned a study of 1,000 American teens ages 13 to 18, to better understand how to get more of them interested in engineering as a career.

The results suggest ed that exposure to any facts about engineering may inspire nearly half of teens to consider engineering.

Here are six proactive tips for parents and teachers to help students consider a career in engineering:

  1. Help kids understand what engineering is all about.

Explain the different types of engineers that exist, such as chemical, agricultural, sound or computer.

  1. Make engineering more personal.

Do you have a friend or colleague they could meet and ask questions, or job shadow?

  1. Emphasize how engineers can play a role in making the world a better place.

For example, explain that engineers were responsible for saving the trapped Chilean miners last year.

  1. Reframe the difficulty of engineering as a positive challenge, a badge of honor.

Most adults know that succeeding at something you thought was hard is one of the best feelings in the world.

  1. Talk dollars and cents.

Half of the top 20 best-paying college degrees are in an engineering field.

  1. Explain that engineers help our country.

More children becoming engineers will help America remain the world's leading innovator.


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