What should job hunters look for?

In the current tough job market, it's understandable that you might be tempted to take just any position. However, there are numerous factors to take into consideration when deciding to work at a company. If you look beyond the usual set of parameters, you may fi nd yourself far happier and more secure in your new position once you arrive.

The fi rst factor to take into account would be can you fulfi ll the skill set required? Next, most would look at compensation. Is the salary fair and in line for the position? Are there bonuses paid in addition to salary? What type of benefits package is offered?

Does it include decent insurance?

That is where most jobseekers would stop. But if you take the time to examine a few more characteristics of the company beyond just the factors of the requisite skills, the compensation and benefi ts,you improve your chances of being satisfi ed in your new position.

The fi rst additional point to observe is company morale. Many companies will offer a prospective employee a tour of the offi ces - or at the very least, walk you through on your way to the nterview.

Take the time to actually look at the employees - do they look happy? Are they lively and communicating? Or, are they serious, formal and quiet? If it is possible, talk to one or more of the employees at the company.

Find out how they feel about how management treats them. Another way to fi nd out how the company values its employees is to ask what would happen if an employee - who, it would be assumed, is doing a good job - had a personal crisis. Does the company treat their employees like humans with real lives?

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