Mohney: You can worry or you can pray

Praying Angel Statue
Praying Angel Statue
photo Nell Mohney

Sometimes, a word or a sentence can hit you with such force that you can't get it out of your mind. It has reruns that go through the next few days or nights and stick to you like glue.

Often, at the most inopportune moments and in the most inappropriate places, these unbidden thoughts invade your very being like a thunderstorm.

Such an experience happened to me this past Sunday. After several weeks at the hospital, I was delighted to be home. In fact, I walked (with a walker) through each of my downstairs rooms, giving thanks. I have a daily checklist about how I'm progressing and the list includes weight and the results of tests for mobility and balance.

On Sunday, however, when I stepped on the scales, I was horrified. Though my daily food intake had been about the same as on previous days, I had lost five pounds from the day before. My reaction was to whine, complain and ask "Why?"

The caregiver on that particular day was a pleasant but no-nonsense lady. She listened patiently for a while to my complaints before interrupting me to declare: "Look, in this situation, you have two options. You can either whine and complain or pray and move forward. Which do you choose?"

Suddenly, I became aware that I was enjoying feeling sorry for myself, but I also knew that the lady's options were correct. Only I could make that decision.

So I put on my big-girl clothes and chose to pray and move forward. It hasn't been entirely easy, but I'm confident that, though the process of healing will take longer than I like, I can and will do my part in the process. I will simply give up whining. This is easier said than done. A part of the difficulty is finding the daily motivation, and then doing it with energy and consistency.

But today, I feel special thanks to a caregiver who gave me words that simply won't leave my mind. Remember that we can choose worry or we can choose prayer. Let's choose prayer.

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